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Cleon A. Corson Equestrian Center

Cleon A. Corson was Nicholas' great grandfather that started the love for horses in the family. Cleon's love for horses went from a necessity to a desire to work with them for many decades. He trained trick horses like Skip to a whole team of Blue Roan Ponies. As Cleon grew older he moved to only working with his team of horses to pull sulkies or wagon's, but he didn't let age stop him no matter the weather. Even in the toughest winters, he would use his canes that he had outfitted with spikes on the bottom to go to the barn to take care of his ponies. Cleon passed the love of horses on to his daughter Mildred Corson (MacDonald) and on to his many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Nicholas is one of those great grandchildren. This equestrian center is dedicated to Cleon A. Corson's life and desire for people to learn about the love for horses.

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